Inspirational Words


Ready for 2021? Me, too.

Here are ten inspirational quotes to take you into the new year. Wise words every magician can appreciate. Wishing you a magical holiday season!

The expert in anything was once a beginner.”


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

Oscar Wilde

It takes a lot of work to make something simple.”


Anything done beautifully justifies its own existence.”

Milbourne Christopher

Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.”

Walt Disney

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Benjamin Franklin

Someone creates a trick, many people perfect it, but its final success in front of an audience depends on the person who presents it.”

Rene Lavand

“The more simple and natural the movements of the performer, the less likely is the spectator to detect the trick.”

Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”


Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.”

Bruce Lee


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