(3) Everyday Benefits of Learning Magic Tricks


Throughout my career in magic, I have been asked many times about the everyday benefits of learning magic tricks—especially from younger magicians and parents of aspiring magicians. Many benefits are realized, and these are my top three.

Develop Better Reading & Study Habits

Your enjoyment of exploring a new hobby naturally sparks an obsessive interest in learning as much as possible. The fun of “discovery” leads to reading and studying in ways that foster a love for learning (which is often not the case with subjects matters you're assigned). The act itself further develops everyday abilities, and that alone is worth the hobby of magic.

Develop Stronger Hand/Eye Coordination

The fine art of magic is instrumental in developing fine motor skills. For example, learning coin tricks, card tricks, and the other intricate finger maneuvers involved not only develops physical skills and refines the sense of touch, but practicing also furthers hand and forearm strength.

Develop Solid Presentation Skills

The idea of getting up in front of an audience terrifies most of us. Learning magic is a great hobby that encourages confidence in engaging yourself with others. Let's say you learn a card trick, and you're ready to perform. At first, you'll stumble a bit over words and process, but that is natural, and you'll get better at it with practice. Again and again, you will learn to become more relaxed at speaking to groups of people, and eventually, dynamically managing your audience's entire experience. Another wonderful by-product of learning magic!

Important reminder! Each skill learned extends over into all other aspects of a person's life. I know many people who are professional magicians on the side, and this hobby is a fun way of becoming better versions of themselves in their primary careers. So, keep at it and enjoy the magic, whether it's a hobby or your life's work.


(10) Favorite Quotes: Wise Words For Magicians


What To Ask Yourself: Learning A New Trick