(10) Favorite Quotes: Wise Words For Magicians

No matter how much I learn or experience as a magician, I often look for inspiration from others, especially wise words that improve or realign my way of thinking. Here are my top favorite words of wisdom relevant to those practicing the fine art of magic.

And first up are wise words inscribed on this prop by Silent Mora (1884-1972) from my collection of magic memorabilia.


“Nature requires little, fancy much.”

Don Alan

"It's all about the audience's faces, their reactions." 


"Quality wins out." 

Zig Ziglar

"Repetition is the mother of learning."

Harry Kellar

"The end of all magic is to feed with mystery the human mind, which dearly loves mystery."

David Devant

"Nothing must be left to chance in a magical performance. Everything conducive to enhancing the mystery of the illusions must be arranged with painstaking care and thought."

"Never present in public any performance which has not been most perfectly rehearsed—first in detail, and finally as a whole."

"Avoid complexity of procedure, and never tax either the patience or the memory of an audience." 


"Magic is the only honest profession. A magician promises to deceive you, and then they do. And, when the shows over, you go home with everything, your watch, wallet, appendix... everything!" 


"Remember, practice doesn't make perfect; practice makes permanent!"


Looking Back: The Magic Cellar in San Francisco


(3) Everyday Benefits of Learning Magic Tricks